Leveson Inquiry Day One – the tweets

  1. On format…
  2. Excellent! Leveson Inquiry hearings into press regulation showing live from 10:30 today – see levesoninquiry.org.uk/hear… /via @LegalWeek
  3. Linking to mainstream media…
  4. Good. MT @BBCr4today “representation of tabloid press [on #LevesonInquiry] is not sufficient.. it doesn’t exist,” says Sun’s Trevor Kavanagh
  5. RT @BBCPeterHunt: Audioboo: Leveson Inquiry Day One R4 1800 boo.fm/b545466 #hacking #leveson #notw
  6. RT @BBCr4today: “Sometimes the press gets carried away with its own power,” says @GreensladeR #LevesonInquiry
  7. Some of the most salient points…
  8. Police believe hacking continued to at least 2009. Started at latest May 2001. #leveson wow again.
  9. Surprise, surprise! Leveson Inquiry it wasn’t only Murdoch’s papers that hackled..others were at it: full report at 7pm on channel4news
  10. Here comes the detail: ‘at least 27 other NI employees’ are named in Mulcaire notebooks #leveson
  11. 28 News International staff named in Mulcaire’s notebooks. 1,453 requests fm one journo is.gd/j4o9aB #leveson
  12. Raising questions …
  13. RT @drew_carver: The thing with #leveson is we know about #mulcaire but at £10k a month there must have been lots of PI’s out there. How far does it go?
  14. Pass on to Lord Judge MT @benfenton: #leveson must consider PCC code is fit for purpose. Jay cites Shipman inquiry that changed medical regs
  15. RT @justice4daniel: “The inquiry will not be limited to phone hacking” – I hope that includes computer hacking #hackgate #leveson guardian.co.uk/media/2011/…
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