On Meeja Law this week: the PCC’s first ruling on newspapers’ republication of tweets; the Lord Chief Justice’s consultation on Twitter in court; and a City Law school blog carnival.
Also, the Centre for Law, Justice and Journalism Twitter account (@citycljj), Facebook page and blog is up and running. More content on those sites soon…
Here’s a run-down of some of the major media law and ethics stories this week, so far (with a focus on the UK).
Court reporting
- Press Gazette>>Security guard stops Mirror’s Penman entering court
- Press Gazette>>Supreme Court allows reporters to use Twitter
- Media Guardian>>The Twitter era of court reporting is here, despite the risk of prejudice (Joshua Rozenberg)
- The Sheridan Trial Blog, the last post
Freedom of Information
- Inforrm>>Revisited and Revised: Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information (Three parts) – Hugh Tomlinson QC. Part One / Part Two / Part Three
- Inforrm>>News: Libel in the Supreme Court [Revised]
- Inforrm>>Flood v Times Newspapers – the Appeal Documents
- Press Gazette>>New twist in Lynn Barber’s Telegraph review libel battle
- Inforrm>>Case Law: Wallis v Meredith – another libel strike out – Sara Mansoori
International libel
Contempt of Court
Phone hacking
- Inforrm>>News: Metropolitan Police phone hacking update and more victims
- Inforrm>>News: Home Affairs Select Committee Publishes Phone Hacking Evidence
- Love and Garbage>> Observer and Operation Motorman again – more questions
- Out-Law.com>>Newspaper’s use of Twitter posts was legitimate, rules watchdog
- The Media Blog>> Of course Twitter’s public… but is it newsworthy?
- OnlineJournalismBlog>> How private is a tweet?
- OnlineJournalismBlog>> PCC gets SEO in new ruling on online corrections
Murphy / Sky
The City Law School Research blog carnival on the pub landlady’s legal battle over broadcasting rights:
- Can broadcasting copyrights hinder the internal market?
- More commentary on the AG’s opinion
- Communication to the Public in Murphy
- Football economics
- Transatlantic lessons from the EU challenge to exclusive broadcast territories
- Murphy – Price Discrimination in the Internal Market
- Summary of Advocate General’s Opinion
- Opinion Released: Competition before Copyright
- Beer, and Football on TV
Tips & research tools
Try Yahoo alerts to create an email newsletter from any webpage with an RSS feed.
Over on LinkedIn, we’ve been considering the future of a UK legal support network for online publishers. Interested? Drop me a line, or/and join the group.
Know about a media law/ethics event? Let me know and I’ll put it in the round up and on a soon-to-be-written events page (admittedly, I’ve said that for a few weeks now). You can find a full stream of aggregated media law news via @medialawUK on Twitter; and Meeja Law tweets go out via @meejalaw. Contact me via @jtownend or
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