Monday media law mop-up

I’m trialling a Monday media law round-up. Please let me know what you think and if it’s useful. Keeping it simple for now…

A lot to mop up on this bank holiday morning following the Xmas/NY break. The hot ML news issue is Contempt of Court, as newspapers and tweeters push the boundaries with reports and commentary on the Joanna Yeates murder case (I suspect many of the people I follow on Twitter aren’t typical because they were all worrying about the CoC issues and warning their followers to take care). The pieces to read:


Meanwhile the Wikileaks and phone hacking stories rumble on. Follow @WLLegal, for links to articles about the legal aspects of Wikileaks. Roy Greenslade reports on former NOTWer Paul McMullan’s chance encounter with Hugh Grant. Apparently the pair discussed the ethics of phone hacking, when the former tabloid hack gave the actor a lift after his car broke down on the A256 in Kent.

You can find a full stream of aggregated media law news via @medialawUK on Twitter; and Meeja Law tweets go out via @meejalaw. Contact me via @jtownend or

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4 Responses to Monday media law mop-up

  1. Danielle says:

    This is really useful! I think there would be a lot of journalism students (me being one) who would benefit from one of these posts every week.

  2. JTownend says:

    thanks! you can sign up for email updates here: or the RSS feed can be found here:
    Please let me know if there are any particular issues you’d like covered.

  3. Pingback: Law and Media Round Up – 10 January 2010 « Inforrm's Blog

  4. Pingback: Monday media law mop up: Clegg on libel, NOTW suspension & Twitter debates | media law & ethics

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