Media law podcast: ‘Help I’m a Blogger Get Me Out of Here!’

In this special one-off podcast, I talk to bloggers, journalists and a lawyer about fighting legal battles online. Just what does happen when you’re a lone blogger and legal trouble strikes? Free theme music courtesy of If you have any difficulties listening to the audio please let me know.

In part one, multimedia journalist Adam Westbrook (left) and journalist/blogger Jon Slattery discuss the challenges of the online medium and how it affects media law. Should a blogger behave like a journalist? Are there enough resources available?

[17:07] On Podbean, or listen below…


In part two, Richard Wilson (right), an author and blogger who has been threatened with libel action, talks about the risks of online publishing. Connie St Louis, head of the Science Journalism MA at City University London and an experienced broadcaster shares her thoughts on science and the libel reform debate and the importance of bylines.

[20.00] On Podbean or listen below…


In part three, Robert Dougans, the solicitor who represented author and journalist Simon Singh in BCA v Singh, as well as bloggers sued by Johanna Kaschke, discusses the position of online publishers in the eyes of the law. We look at issues such as whether to moderate your comments or not; and the technicalities of defamation law, when applied to the internet. “In the absence of any easy guide, defamation is a fairly complicated area of the law. Worse still, it’s an area of the law that is not codified,” he says.

[28:24] Via Blip or listen below…


NB: It’s advisable to read the background on the Kaschke cases on Index on Censorship or Jack of Kent’s blog, alongside this audio. Dougans also refers to the Reynolds Defence, which you can find more about here.

Are you a blogger with a legal story to tell? Sense About Science and the Libel Reform campaign want to hear from you, for research that will be presented to the Ministry of Justice later this year. Sense About Science are also due to publish some blogger guidelines and advice material. Keep an eye on Meeja Law for more details…

With thanks to James and Philip for the help producing these podcasts.